Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Birthday Before and After!

What a blast it's been this past long weekend. We had a holiday since Friday! And Julien decided to organise my birthday party (a surprise initially) on a Saturday. It's very sweet of him, only he forgot that we had a wedding to attend that very same day which we had rsvp-ed a month ago. Lol!

So as usual I remind him a week before the wedding date and he realises he made a big boo boo. He starts to tell me that he's not well (of course I didn't believe him) and that he doesn't think we should go for the wedding, etc etc. I try to convince him otherwise, since it's not nice to not show up last minute or give last minute notice when we knew about this months before. Eventually my poor darling Yeti had to come clean and tell me that he was planning me a surprise birthday party and that we really should just cancel the wedding. *SURPRISE!!!*

We don't have much pictures from the party this year since we both forgot to bring our camera, but it was still really good. My big appreciation to Julien who actually managed to contact and invite my friends without me knowing a thing, organising the location (with help from his colleague - Thanks Rifka and Benoit!). organising the logistics for the cake (thanks Yihmay and Jimme!), and food. It was brilliant!!! Absolutely perfect!!! I honestly cannot remember when was the last time I had really had a party organised for my birthday, but I'm so glad that it was Julien who did this for me this year which made it even more memorable.

We all had a great time! Started in the early evening around 5pm, so we had time to chat and have some drinks before we fired up the bbq, ate, swam, popped the champagne, cut the cake, and ate some more. We left around 3.30am all fuzzy and happy. Well at least I was - I was on top of the world!!!!

Trying to remember with the help of our past pictures on how I celebrated my 29th birthday, and I found this.

Nice Italian restaurant, great food, and in the company of Julien. It was awesome.

This year........

Ended up being dunked. Mastermind Julien, volunteer accomplice Faz. But being in the company of good friends, with good self cooked food (Thanks Natasha), and indulging in many many bottles of good wine and champagne, this party was LEGEN (wait for it......) DARY!!!

Thank you all for making this day such a great one for me!!!! xoxoxo

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