We went to the cinema Friday night to see the best film of the century, I'm not kidding. The title is "Welcome to the sticks".
It did the most entries of all films ever in France. It's produced by this French humorist called Danny Boon. Oh, and the title in French is "Bienvenue chez les ch'tis".
I was surprised to see that the cinema wasn't completely empty, and no, not only French people. I was even more surprised that people (Ting and Rachel her sister) had fun. They were laughing for some of the jokes. Of course the subtitles couldn't render the accent at all, and when they spoke about "les meubles sh'est les shiens" "Les chiens?!!", "Non, les shiens, pas les kiens"... The subtitles were on about something about fish and the offish and fishcats.... I was too busy laughing to really read it all. And only 3 of us in the theatre were laughing... At least it showed these Singaporeans that French can make good films, and not necessarily full of naked women (that's why most teenagers see French films in Singapore: because you usually get to see at least some tits... But the really good scenes are always censored). They even censored some of the scenes in the ch'tis.
That was for Friday night.
Saturday we went to the Mandarin Oriental, the hotel which is going to hold our wedding! I put some pictures in Picassa. This one is the main room, called the "Garden Suite".
Then dinner at a Brazilian restaurant called "Carnivore" in Chijmes. Free flow of meet all night long. I thought my belly was going to explode when I left the table. I was feeling sick all night after. On Ting's side, she was better off because her jaw started hurting quite soon preventing her from over eating. She carried me home...
As for today, the Singaporeans already know it rained all day long... So Ting and I stayed home did some house work. While Ting was ironing I was hoovering and cleaning the bathroom, really a fun day... But as my beloved was saying in her last post, if you enjoy doing your chores, they're not chores anymore, and I did almost enjoy myself as I was sweeping all the dust from the floor. Seriously, I can't wait to get a maid...
We looked at the photos of the Mandarin, it looks good. Huge place... but quite well displayed. We hope Ting will soon recover. All the best for the coming week, kisses from Mum, Dad, Mamie Suzanne and Tom.
Des Japonais affirment avoir trouvé des empreintes du yéti dans l'Himalaya
2008-10-21 09:03:07
Une équipe d'aventuriers japonais a affirmé lundi avoir découvert des empreintes de pas attribuées au mythique yéti qui rôderait dans les montagnes de l'Himalaya entre le Népal et le Tibet.
"Les empreintes mesuraient environ 20 centimètres de long et ressemblaient à celles d'un être humain", a déclaré à l'AFP à Katmandou Yoshiteru Takahashi, chef du Programme Yéti du Japon.
M. Takahashi était de retour avec ses sept comparses de leur troisième mission longue de 42 jours sur le Dhaulagiri IV (7.661 mètres d'altitude) à la recherche de la légendaire créature. Ils n'ont cependant pas réussi à filmer le yéti, ce qui était normalement leur objectif.
"Nous nous rendons dans l'Himalaya depuis des années et nous sommes capables de reconnaître des empreintes d'ours, de daim, de loup ou de léopard des neiges et ce que nous avons vu n'était rien de toute cela", a assuré le Japonais.
Cette bête, mi-homme, mi-singe, excite depuis des décennies l'imaginaire d'aventuriers étrangers, surtout occidentaux: en décembre dernier une équipe de télévision américaine était aussi redescendue des pentes de l'Everest, entre le Népal et le Tibet, en annonçant avoir trouvé des traces de pas du yéti.
"Nous restons convaincus qu'il existe. Grâce aux empreintes et aux histoires que les habitants nous racontent, nous sommes sûrs que ce n'est pas de l'imagination", a insisté M. Takahashi.
L'alpiniste Reinhold Messner, qui a gravi à de nombreuses reprises des sommets de l'Himalaya et a cru en 1986 avoir aperçu la bête, a conclu en 1998 dans son livre "Ma quête du yéti" que l'animal n'existait que dans l'imagination des gens qui le confondent avec l'ours brun de l'Himalaya.
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